
Gay Wedding Ideas
Same-sex weddings are typical these days. A lesbian funny or a gay wedding can be fun, romantic, and elegant. Romantic wedding photos, topper gifts, and funny signs. Same-sex weddings are like opposite-sex weddings. There are some extra steps same-sex weddings need. Sa...

How to make a guy like you if you are gay
If a gay teen has a crush on someone straight, he will have a hard time. Many people know that it is not possible to turn someone gay. Some gay teens still hope to make a straight guy like his someday. If you are in such situation, you can ask what to do with a straight...

What's the correct way to ask whether someone is gay?
Figuring if someone you’re talking to maybe flirting is also essential to know if a person is gay or lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual. It is a good idea to ask a question about past crushes or relationships. The body language can say something when someone sits next to y...

Gay daddy issues?
Daddy issues explain the psychological challenges the result from an absent relationship with the father. The result of a strange relationship with a father is distrust, sexual orientation for men who act as figures of fathers. Daddy issues Carl Jung's theory of Electra...