Gay daddy issues?
Daddy issues explain the psychological challenges the result from an absent relationship with the father. The result of a strange relationship with a father is distrust, sexual orientation for men who act as figures of fathers.
Daddy issues
Carl Jung's theory of Electra complex explains young female has a subconscious attraction to her father and is in competition with the mother. It is Freud’s Oedipus complex, in a female iteration. Both compounds are explaining the dysfunctions in children's relationships with their parents.
Daddy issue is explained in 1990, by Charles Scull. The phrase Daddy issues are slang to romantic partners, in gay communities', or prisons. Later, daddy issues evolved in a common lexicon. The phrase is used to describe a gay man or a woman who has an exaggerated need for affection. Often it is a fascination with older men.
From simple conversation to professional researchers, people tried to find out why men are gay. Are they born gay or their feeling develop in time? It is a mystery. Another problem appeared. Why the environment blames gay people? The problem can be solved. Some people believe that gay men try to find in other men subconsciously their absent father. Some professionals try to explain gay as father hunger. Many gay men deny their sexual orientation, their natural attraction.
For many, the theory of father hunger looks plausible. The environment influences so many subconscious actions. If the theory father-hunger is true, it heals the same-sex attraction.
Assumptions about sexuality
The theory father-hunger neglect to mention a critical component: straight men have daddy issues that affect their adult life.
Women primarily use Daddy issues in the context of dating, sex, or romance. When used by men, it can be misogynistic. In LGBTQ communities, daddy issues are used to define the relationship with an older man. The connotation of daddy issues is negative — psychologists label relationships with fathers as a father complex.
Some men have issues with their father their entire life. Some gay men came out to their father as retaliation. Some had perpetuated problems associated with rejection and anger. The gay person sees the relationship with their fathers as perpetrators versus victims. Some gay persons reach only a man’s hand to hold. A homophobic daddy makes this necessity bigger and more significant for his boy.
Masculine Need over intimate wants
Men often demonstrate masculinity adopting traditional ideas of what it means to be a man. They try to prove their masculinity by overcompensating. They sleep with women. It is the ultimate proof of a straight man. The idea of masculinity drives men to homophobia. Men choose exaggerated masculine behavior. They do everything they can to demonstrate that they are not gay. Often, gay men sleep with women to reject their sexual orientation.
Many gay persons continue to fight homophobia. They refuse their sexuality or have strong feelings against forms of feminism. Fathers are victims of the environment, too. It is sometimes humiliating for a father to have a son with gay manifestations. Father-son antagonism is very wounding for a gay person.
Some theories explain the antagonism of father-son because men are attracted to their father as a young boy. The father distances himself conditioned to fear homosexuality. Here is proof that homophobia destroys father-son relationships. It is not the reason to blame fathers for the son's sexuality.
It is necessary to heal father-son on relationships
Some imitate the dynamic of a family, with the homophobic response. Studies reveal that self – accepting gays is not influenced by the environment; their relationship with their daddy has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.